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Monday, August 9, 2010

The High Cost of Whole Wheat....

.....just got back from my favorite neighborhood local grocery store after picking up a few last minute items for tonight's DollarMenu challenge....enchiladas....OK, so some will be shrimp and I don't need a calculator to tell you that they will for sure be over the $1.00 a serving, but me thinks that the vegetarian ones will for sure make it....

....so I have spent the past several weeks in Canada....my home and native land....which left the whole DollarMenu thing abandoned and low and behold, I still have no followers (other than my husband....which by the way doesn't count as I had to ask him to follow me!), or comments from anyone other than myself.....wth...although I have been pleasantly surprised by the verbal conversations I have about this whole "blog thing" with people, no one seems to be participating....and admittedly at first I was disappointed, especially after watching Julie and Julia WAY TOO many times.....but then I thought about it and remembered why in the heck I am doing this damn thing....and it sure as shit ain't for others to comment on what I am doing....it is for me....so I shall continue to write, and blabber about these silly little food thoughts that continue to prance in my cranium......

...oh yeah, the whole whole wheat thing...well at United Market I was pricing out wraps for the enchiladas and of course could not help but notice the fact that the whole wheat 10 pack is 70 cents more than "the other kind".....you know white, enriched, bleached to shit and lacking all natural naturalness....of course I went straight for the whole wheat as lets face it, they taste SO MUCH better....I know not everyone thinks this way, but food is the fuel for our body so why not stock up on the best that is available, even if it does cost you 7 cents per serving more.....to me it's worth it...

....beige Williams-Sonoma apron is on, hands are washed, and supplies are ready!

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