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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Roasted Red Pepper Soup Recipe....

...well I did it! I have to admit that I was a little worried when I was at the grocery store and came upon red peppers for $1.28 a pound instead of the 88 cents a pound I was promised....ah well.....even with that against me I was still able to make the soup for $0.69 a serving.....the recipe I am about to share makes 17 servings....not too shabby considering that I busted out the canning supplies and jarred the soup by serving size....perfect for lunches!....Now, I know that I could go to a certain fast food restaurant and get more food on their dollar menu....but we need to look at the quality of what we are putting into our bodies....cheap is not always better.....I want frugal....classy, but cheap.....I am proud to say that I still have $.31 left for a side...for me it would be saltines....but alas I have not calculated their unit cost....but I am guessing that 31 cents worth would be a decent amount....future research will lead me to an answer....2 pieces of toast would work nicely as well....hmmmm now to calculate butter....

The Recipe:
- 13 roasted red peppers....................................$8.70
- 2 white onions............................................$0.92
- 1 tsp salt................................................$0.01
- 3 TBSP olive oil..........................................$0.33
- 4 cups of water...........................................FREE SPACE
- 2 bouillon cubes (chicken)*...............................$0.24
- 1 tsp salt................................................$0.01
- 1 tsp pepper..............................................$0.04
- 1 can of tomatoes.........................................$1.00
- 6 cloves of roasted garlic................................$0.13
- 1/2 tsp anise.............................................$0.27

Total: $11.65

17 servings = $0.69 per serving

*could easily substitute veggie....do they even make veggie bouillon cubes?

.oh yeah...I guess I should explain what in the heck to do with all those ingredients....first you need to roast the red peppers....takes 30 minutes....wash, cut, and spray with pam first....400 degree oven.....let cool, then peel the skin off....saute the onions in olive oil and 1 tsp of salt....when browned add water and cubes....allow it to begin boiling...then reduce heat and add red peppers & tomatoes, roasted garlic, s & p, and finally anise.....puree with hand blender and enjoy!

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